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Heaven, the Kingdom of God and Nirvana:
(en enkeltpersons syn, litt drøy men interessante vinklinger)
En buddhistisk versjon, interessant! - det finnes mange "himmeler og helveter" i B:
"A question arose in my mind... If a good Catholic married a good Buddhist and they lived happily ever after, when they died were they going to the same place? Most Catholics I have asked... answer, "Of course, there is only one place you can go."
I thought to myself... not so fast... where did all the Buddhists, Hindus and goddess worshippers go before Christ came to the world? Was the Christian heaven already in place even before Christ was born? Have all the pre-Christians ended up in Christian hell?
This train of thought prompted me to investigate Buddhist afterlife"
I thought to myself... not so fast... where did all the Buddhists, Hindus and goddess worshippers go before Christ came to the world? Was the Christian heaven already in place even before Christ was born? Have all the pre-Christians ended up in Christian hell?
This train of thought prompted me to investigate Buddhist afterlife"
"Nirvana is the answer to suffering and rebirth!Practice everyday... There is very little time left. Think about death often, it will give your life urgency. Exercise and good health allow you to die in the slowest way possible. May you see nirvana in this very lifetime"
Abort i ulike religioner:
Jesus i Islam og Kristendom:
er en fin side som går gjennom en del sentrale kristne myter og forklarer disse innenfor Islam.
Spennende samling av viktige begreper rundt død, himmel, reinkarnasjon, endetidstro (eskatologi) og enda mer! Peker til andre artikler, men har bare overskriftene + litt av hver artikkel.
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